In a world where you're feeling the pressure to have a perfect life, perfect relationships, great kids, fulfilling work, earn more customers, learn on the fly and still manage to live a life full of your other responsibilities, you really can't just sign up for someone's one size fits all program because let's face it --one size just doesn't fit all.
Get Premium Level Strategy and Learning from Leading Experts
We're mothers, wives, entrepreneurs, and strategists helping the family unit succeed from the inside out.
Monique is a communications expert and has helped hundreds of people improve the quality of their relationships. She's taught over 2000+ adults, trained leaders at Fortune 100 companies, consulted at Equifax, Verizon, the Center for Disease Control and shared the public speaking stage with international speakers like Lisa Nichols.
Nkoyo is an attorney and educational consultant equipping parents in educational and school matters on discipline and special education. If warranted, she provides legal representation so parents never have to feel alone.
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Before we begin... Let's Get To Know Each Other FREE PREVIEW -
Module 1: Your Family Is A Business FREE PREVIEW How Do I Get Everyone In The Family On Board With The Vision? How Do I Advocate For the Best Educational Experience For My Child? How Do I Get The School to Align With My Vision For My Child? Gratitude With Releasing: Strategies to Open Communication in the Family FREE PREVIEW What if No One Wants to Talk in our Family Meeting? Drugs: Sex: Bullying: Porn: How Do I Talk About Difficult Topics with My Child? Let's See What You Remember -
Congratulations Lady Leader! FREE PREVIEW More resources for you Before you go...
In less than 2 hours, you will turbo boost your communication skills in your family. If you implement just ONE strategy, you will enhance the quality of your relationships. What's it worth to you to have meaningful relationships in your family?